Leonard's Bakery マラサダ 出来たて waikiki hawaii food


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Leonard's Bakery マラサダ 出来たて waikiki hawaii food

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About Us | Leonard's Bakery

In June 1882 the British sailing ship 'Monarch' brought Arsenio and Amelia DoRego from San Miguel Island, Portugal to Maui, Hawai'i under contract to work the sugar cane fields. Some 33 years later, their grandson Leonard was born. In 1946 Leonard and his wife Margaret moved to Honolulu with their daughter Diane, age 8. Leonard worked at Snowflake Bakery until he founded Leonard's Bakery℠ in 1952.Leonard and Margaret were no strangers to hard work, both coming from very large families. The bakery prospered. Not long after opening, Leonard's mother suggested making malasadas for Shrove Tuesday - a Portuguese tradition. Although thinking it may be too ethnic, Leonard's bakers complied. Malasadas were a huge hit. And, the appetite for malasadas in Hawaii was born.

STORY | Leonard's Japan | レナーズ マラサダ

マラサダとは・・・?『マラサダ』とは、ポルトガル発祥の揚げパンで外側はカリッとしていて、内側はふんわりとしているのが特徴のスイーツです。カリッとした表面には砂糖がまぶしてあり、一見すると「あんドーナツ」の様に見えますが、今までにない新食感と、どこか懐かしい感じがする不思議な食べ物です。マラサダの詳しい説明は MALASADA? をご覧ください。