【Coming Soon!】TAMIYA 1/10RC FORMULA E GEN2 CAR / フォーミュラE Gen2(TC-01シャーシ)
This is a R/C model assembly kit depicting the GEN2 car raced in the 2019-20 season of the Formula E championship, the pinnacle of electric car racing. The sleek, high-tech body with cowled wheels is recreated in polycarbonate. Halo, mirrors and rear diffuser/bumper are separately molded componen...
girled [タミヤ][ラジコン][フォーミュラe][レース][サーキット][RCカー] もっとシークレットを引っ張るのかと思ったらあっさりと走行動画が公開された。シャーシの詳細も早く見たいねえ